EPISODE 2 -MUCH MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER CLIP! GET THE POPCORN OUT WITH A GLASS OF RHUM AND COKE AND ENJOY! Welcome to another great episode of the Masorotica Talkshow with your talkshow host Murderotica and her Guest Goddess Jess! Everytime I walk out of the house, MEN! THEY MAKE ME SICK! says Jess! The girls once again pick a non-volunteer who didnt have his hand up in the crowd. Turns out hes married with a wife and everything! HOW EMBARASSING! Imagine, an older married guy about to be humiliated in front of the world on television, live webcam and then distributed worldwide by MASOROTICA PRODUCTIONS and all by 2 young 18 19 YEAR OLD GIRLS! You FOOT FREAKS will absolutely love this episode! CUTE SOCKS! YOUNG GIRLS! HOT SEXY BAREFOOT WORSHIP! AND HIGH LEVELS OF HUMILIATION! This is not just another clip! Its nearly a FULL LENGTH TV SHOW FOR ALL OF MASOROTICAS FOOT AND SOCK FREAKS! They make him SNIFF THEIR SOCKS AND LICK THEIR FEET! LIKE IN MANY OF OUR CLIPS THEY EVEN TAKE TURNS HOLDING THE CAMERA FILMING HIM LICKING THE OTHER GIRLS FEET FOR ONE HOT SCENE! Another scene worth mentioning there are so many we cant mention them all! is when one girl shoves her foot in the guys mouth while the other girl pinches his nose with her toes causing him trouble to breathe AND GAG ON THE TOES AT THE BACK OF HIS THROAT! The only thing missing is the commercials! So make yourself some popcorn, have a glass of rhum and coke, sit back and enjoy the show! With nearly 20 GREAT MINUTES OF FOOTAGE youll have time to eat your popcorn, enjoy your drink, then finish the evening with a HAPPY ENDING! This is the 2nd episode of our talkshow where we allow our Models to bring in Guests, Friends or even invite fellow Models to our Studio and talk about Men and Female Superiority! They are free to discuss any topics or themes they wish during our episodes. Its a unique concept that will become a part of our company. We felt that everyone has their favorite mainstream what about our own talkshow based around the fetishes we love most! WELCOME TO OUR UNIQUE TALKSHOW! WELCOME TO MASOROTICA PRODUCTIONS!