You were out with your friends and you let me buy you a drink, and the next thing you know, youre all tied up, naked in this room. The funny thing is, I dont think you know just how much danger youre in. You see, I have been paid to execute you and Im going to enjoy it. I couldve just drugged you. Even now, I could just shoot you. But, wheres the fun in that? So, what am I going to do? I noticed that youve been staring at my legs, lusting for them, so Im going to use them to squeeze every bit of life out of you. How about I give you a nice hug with my legs? Youd like that, wouldnt you? Ah, but now you see how youre completely at my mercy! Even though you know youre about to die, I think youre getting off on having a beautiful woman completely controlling you, over powering you, and hurting you.
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Femdom 115 Asian Mistress bind slave.
Mistress Gaia – Lucid Dreams Today Im in the medical clinic, and my patient is complaining of shortage of ...
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A Sweet Fan Letter To Giantess Daisy Giantess Daisy receives a fan letter from Adrian. She reads the entire letter ...
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Impotent Gay Whore My little gay slave is too stupid to suck a Cock and unable to cum. How can such ...
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