Lea decides to make Richie to her slaves throroughly exhausted; She does not have this the neighbours hear its cries put on loud rock music; He must kneel down in front of the young Mistress and close the ribbons of its short trousers for her next to himself; But he has hardly closed the stitch, Lea opens them again and he must do it still one time; This recurs and recurs until Richie is already completely worn down; Suddenly then meets a knee for it of Lea; And then the ordeal starts for him; With blows, kicks and pushes he is finished by her; She scratches him with her fingernails and rubs with her feet against the pores of his naked skin, which yells out only in such a way; She increases on him, kicks him, strangles him sits up on him - nothing remains spared to Richie; He must defencelessly bear everything because Lea simply wants to let off steam at him.
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