Her boyfriend Walter then comes knocking at the door! Murderotica opens it and asks him to wait outside while she cleans something up. She takes the BB and hides it under a couch cushion! Murderotica opens the door to let Walter in. Before he notices anything she runs to the couch sitting her butt over the cushion crushing the BB underneath! They talk about ordering a movie on pay per view but Walter just wants to make out! Murderotica feels a little akward knowing that shes CRUSHING THE BB BENEATH HER! As Walter continues making out with her she feels a little daring and naughty! Quickly she removes the BB from under the cushion and places it DIRECTLY UNDER HER BUM AS THE TWO INTENSIFY THEIR MAKE OUT SESSION! What a cruel end for TO YOU BY THE ORIGINATORS OF BB DOLL TORTURE! MASOROTICA PRODUCTIONS BRINGS YOU ONE OF THE MOST UNIQUE CLIP SERIES YOU WILL EVER OWN!