Richie has not cleaned the shoes of Lea again; Therefore he decides on them, this will the shoes clean everyone with his tongue now; He must sit down on the ground and which shoes service them meantly for him first; Lea decides in favour of the open red sandals with the brown heel; It shall the shoes only one by one without her feet, leaky first, however; So Richie licks and caresses the red shoe solo in the air; And Lea enjoys right, it to watch ones activities; It must then then lick the shoes on her feet; First the red, then black closed High Heels. She fucks its mouth with the shoe top and it polishes the leather with its tongue and sucks the heels cleanly; The golden strap sandals to the row and finally still high, black, open sandals then happen - everything must shine, till for its tongue it is black in front of dirt.