Remember the other day when you were talking to your sis about how cool itd be to shrink? she did a little digging and look at what she found at the science department- a shrinking device! You want to try it out?! Ready?! Holy... she has no idea how small youll get but youre shrinking! As you shrink down she catches you looking up her skirt. GROSS! Youre her bro! Stop it. Youre such a perv! After you finish shrinking she goes ahead and puts you on the coffee table. Its incredible how tiny you are, and she asks if youre scared of her. You should be because you looked up her skirt! For doing so, she playfully surrounds you by her gummy fish and traps you in them. Next she eats some candy but you cant have any, youre in time out! She teases its really good but you cant have any. Do you like watching her eat candy too? Thats so gross, your her bro! After she eats all of the candy, she picks you up and treats you like a gummy fish. Dont worry though, you -are- her bro so she wont do anything too stupid, she tells you. To playfully torture you some more she ties you to her tongue ring and asks how scared you are as she opens her mouth real wide. Do you feel like youre going to fall down her throat?! those gummy fish got her appetite growling for more, so she keeps you on her tongue ring and heads to the kitchen to find some more food! Special thanks to yougts for ordering this custom.