n1521Princess Julia, Joel and Mimi do not know how to be kind and affectionate. They are funny and merciless young girls. They chained their slave to the table. This time, the slave cannot close his mouth to resist. His lips were tied with clothespins. And the girls spit in their open mouths. Girls have fun with their slave, humiliating him and laughing at the defenseless. n152 2 Part Did the slave behave well? Yes! Can we feed him? Hmm... yes! Spit and food humiliation. We ordered rolls, ate, but left for the slave as many as 3 pieces! But it will not be a simple lunch. We cannot leave him without his beloved drool. Therefore, his lunch is rolls with saliva. We had spoiled his dish and made him eat. The whole face of a slave in saliva and food. We spit in his mouth, on his face, on his food and laugh.
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