My patient is complaining of a breathing condition. So I have him on the medical bed ready to be examined. He is very nervous, so I had to bind him with restraints so he cant escape. I tell him Im going to have to check his breathing, and it will require a procedure he may find unusual. To prepare, I lay out a pair of beautiful latex gloves and tell him not to be nervous. I open them and slide them over my hands, I so enjoy that smell and the crackling sound of the latex as I pull the gloves tight. My patient has a look of fear in his eyes as I look down on him and tell him Im going to cure his problem. I quickly get started with my hands pressed tightly over his mouth. The latex is so unforgiving, as he desperatly tries to breathe. I tell him I want to see how long he can last, as he struggles and squirms for air. Its not long before he begs me to stop, and his muffled gasps are stifled. I. m not sure if there is anything wrong with his breathing. However, Im having so much fun seeing him suffer. I remove my gloves and stuff them into his mouth, then fit a tight ballgag. His gargled attempts to breathe will be noted, as I continue with his breathtaking latex .
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