Our prisoners have arrived and we decide to line them up in the yard. They are chained hand and feet so their movement is very restricted. To take care that our slaves remain in line, all the mistress have whips. We ask them questions and get them to perform some simple tasks. As the prisoners seem to be such a stupid bunch, we continually have to resort to the whip. When we are finished in the yard, we take them inside where their manicles and chains are removed. They are then put down in the hole, where they will remain until we decide what to do with .
Lydie Barefeet Worship And Trample Mistress Lydie uses her flunkey as footstool while she remakes a beauty. The ...
Clean My Filthy Ballerina Shoes 1920×1080 Damn. Look at this little bitch cleaning my worn out and filthy adidas ...
My Riding Boots Need A Thorough Tongue Cleaning My beloved riding boots are all dirty - and of course they deserve to be cleaned ...
Under Her Tasty Ass You want to feel Mercedes on your face? You want to feel getting flattened under ...
Miss Laurie Savage Boots Trample Hard Video Savage full body trample, extreme throat crushing full weight, brutal cock and ...
Leck Die Mse Sauber Da sabbert das kleine Versager Pimmelchen,was?!! Na los knie dich vor mich!! Hol ...
Secret Pleasure Tunnel You have been thinking about it for some time now, and recently it has consumed ...
Human Ashtray 12 Richie must serve as an ashtray as a punishment for his conservative attitude ...
Hartes Latex Teasing Du wirst dein Verlangen immer mehr in dir verspren und dies auch nicht mehr ...
You Have Been A Good Boy Cei So you have been a good boy lately and pleased your beautyful goddess. So i ...
My Jeansbutt On The Slaves Mug My Jeans is new and hard. Perfect for sit down on his slavemug! I had an ...
Akiba’s Brat – camera 2 Footage edited from a second camera during a loooooong gaming night with Sasara. ...