supersexy footgoddess lydia z is a lil tired of traveling its time for a lil relaxing in this clip. not for YOU of is looking gorgeous as usual wearing a black sexy robe and golden double-plateau pumps on her cute size 6 feet! of course YOU would grovel at her feet when she slips out of her pump first performing some nice dipping. and when her feet are out and her cute toes are exposed YOU would surely love to suck on each one! great closeups here!. or when she sits down, drinking some champagne, dangling her pumps her gets out of them, giving YOU her sole to or even the soles of her when she is feet are only a few mm away from YOUR well YOU would surely love to help her to relax or? class a feet clip! great closeups! great perspectives! you shouldnt miss that one! clip duration: 08. 44 mins.