You are such a little man. Small, insignificant. We are two huge, strong, powerful Dommes. Just look how small and weak you are compared to us. We could squash you under our shoes, flick you away like a bug. We could end you because we are so much bigger and stronger than you are. How does it feel to be so small and weak? How do you feel in our presence, knowing that our strength and power far exceeds your own?
Black Snakes 4 Dressed in black snake skin tights, Sibilla and Aurora mistreat Alexandra. Nice ...
Smoking 19 Young feminist Lea smokes provocatively into your face.
Cardboard Boxes Under Boots Lady B prepare trash. She crushes many cardboard boxes completely flat under her ...
Brooke’s Feet In Your Face Brooke also heard about your severe foot fetish, so she thought it would be nice ...
Jade’s Dangle Tease Jade and you decided to skip school together. The both of you are hanging out in ...
Sneakergirly Lyn – Big Toy Crush With Full... Big Toy Crush with Full weight.
Extreme Sacrifice So you want to serve me, Princess Lisa Jordan? You do know that I am a cruel, ...
Dominant Licking 10 Hanna leaves nothing out with her slave. In the shower he is full pissed by it ...
Boot Licking 19 TV slave of Jona must kneel and lick her boots cleanly in the red chamber in ...
Goddess Alyssa Spit Humiliation Double-clip MPEG Version2 short clips make up this double-clip of Supreme Goddess Alyssa ...
Cash Bitch Part I HD Version.
Rack For My Boots I think its time to respond to some of my emails. Certainly I need a rack for my ...