Hanna and her friend Jacky have a lesbian picnic in the woods. When they want to start eating straight, they notice a monster behind them in Gestrp. On closer inspection, they recognize him: its bastard Joschi, the garbage-slave of all the ladies from the neighborhood. Immediately bad Joschi also been approached and begged for food. Both are appalled by this deformity and taunt him with the worst names. Finally, they benefit from Joschis wretchedness and humiliate him even further with the food. You smack in front of him, because he did not eat. Then they cast him scraps of biscuits and bananas on the floor to eat out. Joschi dives for each chunk thrown him. In between, he gets from two well dne pre-chewed and spat-out remains and is pelted with food scraps. Once they have enough experience for their amusement, the two ladies send him off like an insult to simply reudigen mutt.
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