This film was shot at a performance party, where I was a supposed to be a human doormat. The party was open to everyone and it took place in a public art gallery. At the beginning of the party, the emcee told everyone that I am the human doormat and encouraged all the women to use the doormat. The first group of guests complied and I was able to clean their shoes a bit. The next group of people didnt notice what was lying on the floor. The footage that I filmed was five and a half hours long, but I only included the parts where people were walking over me. The comments are in Polish so most of you wont understand them, but since I was completely still, people thought that I was a manequin and they wanted to avoid stepping on it cause they thought it would break. I didnt say anything. Everyone was looking at me and taking pictures. Yet I was still able to capture 25 minutes of footage where people were stepping on me. So I invite you to see what this looks like in a completely public place, not a private fetish party. Too bad it was winter and there was only one pair of high heels. The film was shot with two cameras, so you can see the entire figures of the people and shots of them walking on the doormat. Time: 25. 09 min.