Custom video:. You are medical doctor student, who are specializing your studies in treatment of shrunken people. You a task is to treat an injured 2 cm tall person. Scene 1 duration, 2 minutes. You find a invisble tiny person i animate him later who try to run away. You catch him and hold him in close to youre eyes. You tell him that you need someone to practice on. You excamine him, he seem to be healthy, so you need to Hurt him first before you treat him. you tell him that your really sorry, and give him a first flick with your a fingernail Scene 2 duration 2 minutes use a gummi-bear or something squishible, that i can put my animation layer on. Close up of your hands, nails and the gummi bear. Keep a neutral and sometimes regretful mood during this scene. Torture the gummi bear with your fingernails and fingers. Pretend that you are breaking bones scratching untill hes bleeiding, flicking smashing and cover his face with the underside of your fingernail and choke him out. Scene 3. Duration 2. Same as scene 2, but Pov. From the tinies perspective. Hold the camera in your hand, torture with the other hand. Scene 4 duration 4 minutes. Close up of hands nails and gummi bear. Improvise CPR Wash the bear clean and patch the wounds and feed the gummibear with medication. Let him rest in your hand and pett him gentle. The gummi bear gets a hard on and you give the bear a gentle fingernail job.