Miss Ivy shrinks you and she wants to squish you under her feet and under her ass. She crushes under her heels and bare feet and she will sit on you.
Pig Sports My little fat astronaut has to do some sports exercises. Of course I will not ...
Joi For Slaves You are submissive and like to verbally extremely humiliate you? You think, you ...
Teasing-wir Kontrollieren Deine Lust Nana was bist du denn wieder so gierig? Ab in den Kfig du Notgeiles Stck. Wann ...
Sc Taya 58c Tayas hubby has taken good care of all the house chores but the most important ...
Clean My Dirty Feet Loser Miss Serena has a new loser asa her personal footslave. She wants him today to ...
Du Bist Ein Ekel Erkennst du Parallelen zu deinem Leben, mein naives, devotes Beta-Mnnchen?! Ohne ...
Sklave Will Wichsen – Zahl Deine Steuer Loser will Wichsen? Natrlich nicht ohne meine WICHSTSTEUER, kleines devotes ...
Mistress Gaia – No Time For Losers Its training day!! Im going to teach my slave some wrestling moves. He said he ...
Resistance- Day 3 Day 3! You must be so backed up and blue! I know how difficult it is for a ...
Sara And Luna Destroy A Mirror Cabinet Lady Sara and Luna, destroy a mirror cabinet. Luna wears her Nike and smashes a ...
Boring Days 2 There are boring days for Teodora, Nancy and their new roommate Joss. Imagine ...
The Sexy Ass Of Your Mistress You are tied up. You lie on the bed and are completely defenseless. I stand ...