Dita and Lynn are sharing an office together. Its a hot summer day and they both are wearing light sandals on their bare feet. Lynn is not comfortable anymore and she puts her small feet on the table but Dita is not very happy with that. Could you put your little feet off the table??, Dita says. But Lynn is a bit offended with the attack on her small feet so she fights back, calling Ditas big feet a paddles. The fight is on! Since this moment both girls are attacking the other ones feet, especially the foot size. And since they have very very different foot size its a long fight indeed. At the same time both of them are showing their feet, sexy toes and soles and trying to convince the other girl that their own feet are much better, that the size is much better. This goes on for some time and it also get to actual measurement of their feet and mocking their sizes. After while both girls make peace, otherwise they could not withstand each other in the same office. And as they are in peace with each other, they start showing their BIG and small feet next to each other and it is a wonderful sight! These foot girls have the sexiest foot size difference out there.
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