I was in the mood for a nice trampling spontaneously and luckily I had my slave and someone to film everything in the car! So I pulled over my car into a small path at a field, just off the road and ordered my slave to lie down on the ground. Then I started trampling him with my Buffalo high heel boots and did a pretty good damage with them :-D But it was a hot day and I was wearing pantyhose under my jeans - so these boots were way to warm and I took them off. Then I continued to trample my slave - and got even more brutal! I literally stomped all over his chest, jumped on him, stood on my tip-toes and stood on his head until he was only whining and cramping in the end! Of course he got to smell my sweaty nylons as well - after a full day in boots and hot weather that surely was a strong experience :-D.