MOVIE IN ENGLISH! Lady Glasya and Princess Blondessa have called their whipping boy Joschi into Their state apartment. Day after day young, beautiful, noble Ladies use Joschi as a torture toy to work off Their aggressions. He has to suffer all pain and harassment his super sexy, rich, female bullies inflict on him. Thats the only right for his pathetic low life existence. Today the two cruel Glamour-Princesses have decided to choke Their victim with Their divine feet. First he has to lean his back on the wall. Then the two young, Sadistic Glamour-Girls are pressing Their nude feet against his larynx. Joschi tries to turn his head away to gasp for air without any success. Again and again the two cruel, sadistic Ladies press Their feet on his throat until poor Joschi is gasping for life.
Shiny Stars 2 Pandoras box is opened and three evils are together. Next trio are Emily, ...
Miss Heidi Bare Foot Worship Session Uber-SnobBitch Miss Heidi enjoys taking mens money in exchange for letting them ...
Blowing Smoke In Your Face Here you are paying money just to see Angelique smoke! Careful now, shell be ...
Psychisch Gebrochen Mit Emla Lock –... Ich halte nicht einfach nur keusch. Ich breche Sklaven mit der Keuschhaltung. ...
Ass Worship And A Ban On Jerking Off You have long been addicted to me and can no longer steer your thoughts away ...
Messy Dickmann Crush In My High Heels I take off my high heels and put a Dickmann in each of them - then crush them ...
Schwachstelle Fe Ich kenne deine Schwachstelle nur zu gut. Es sind natrlich meine perfekten Fe! ...
Gym Adventures 3 Three girls and one guy are in the gym. Savory aroma of their bodies charm a guy ...
Smoking Boss Ladies Smoking is unhealthy and a neck pain is uncomfortable. My friend mistress Reell ...
Miss Candy Brutal Trample And Ballbusting brutal body trample, extreme throat crusing, savage ballbusting under the ...
Director’s Cut 8 This was from our first take of Face Rider 2, but one of the other girls walked ...
Sneaker-auction Today my sneakers are for sale and I can assure you that they are like good. ...