Down on the ground where YOU belong are see the feet of YOUR mistress feet in sandals and next YOU see how she is dressed a pretty nice business outfit. she is not in a hurry flexing the rattan cane only one tip of her cane to the ground and YOU know where YOUR eyes have to at the nice pedicured toes, at the clicking of the heels on the wooden up she points with the tip of her cane towards YOU and says in a soft are going to get 24 strokes with my cane and then it maybe looking soft, but YOU know how even the soft hits bite into YOUR slavish but YOU can be sure the punishment will get harder and the 24th stroke she will leave YOU alone with YOUR well striped and throbbling bare GREEEEAT CLIP of virtual punishment! ENGLISH LANGUAGE! clip duration: 6. 03 mins, quicktime high resolution 768 x 576 px rendered with H. 264-codec!