This slave talks way too much. Goddess Vanny will not tolerate this anymore! She silences him by simply pressing both hands firmly over his mouth. He should know how it feels to give up control to her! Goddess Vanny completely takes away all his air. There is no more oxygen for the slave as she presses both hands extra hard over his mouth and nose. She knows one thing for sure - breath control is the best way to silence him!
Mistress Red Hot Ass Worship 1 Mistress Red Hot demands total Ass Worship from her slave.
Tea’s Bus Sexy Tea crushes a small bus under her ass.
Slave Meal 70 Today prepare Lady B a fine X-Mass Cake for her stupid slave. She show him her ...
Die Totale Entwrdigung Nach dem letzten Mal dachtest du, es geht nicht schlimmer? Oh doch! Heute kommen ...
Mutter Tochter Dominierung Mutter Tochter Dominierung Mutter Tochter Brainwash oder Brainfuck Nenn es wie ...
Geheime Zuflucht Ziemlich langweilige Ehe die du da am laufen hast. Zum Glck hat dich das ...
Dreckskter Zu Besuch Mein kleiner Dreckskter war bers Wochenende bei mir! Nachdem ich mit ihm Gassi ...
Cuckolding 112 RULER COUPLE CUCKOLD HUMILIATION ! C O M P L E T E M O V I E! Goddess Empire and ...
Shit Trainset Lady B waiting on her Slave. He wanted to bring a gift for the Mistress. A brand ...
Mistress Rebel Sitting Pics 1 Mistress Rebel loves to beat up weak pathetic males and sit on them in public. ...
Your Eggs Crush Like Little Nuts I had great and you payed for them. I enjoyed every single sunny day at the sea. ...
Maxim’s Authority – Hi Quality Maxims Authority is just something you cant deny! She wanted to watch her own ...