Are you alive? Youre going to be sore when you wake up tomorrow boy! says Macy stepping on his face before TRAMPLING him! He cant wake up and is completely helpless at the mercy of her feet! You sholdnt drink so much you know! Otherwise you might get a girl coming with her feet all over your face! Too bad I cant get you to wake up and kiss my feet! she says holding her foot directly over his passed out face! She begins standing on his chest CRUSHING HIS LITTLE LUNGS UNDER HER FEET! He slowly wakes up all confused in a panic. She wont get off his chest and remains standing on him with her FULL WEIGHT! He cant take the pressure and feels like PUKING but she doesnt want him puking all over her so she places her foot directly over his mouth as he VOMITS! With her foot blocking his mouth hes ordered to SWALLOW BACK HIS OWN PUKE! Nearly gagging and choking on it as she watches him twitch in amazement! Macy is such a cruel party girl taking advantage of a drunk, passed out boy on the floor squirming helplessly under her feet until he eventually passes out!